Physiology testing is important for athletes to undertake to know where they lie in their training. Testing needs to be valid and reliable/repeatable. Testing done at Factor by a Factor coach ensures validity and reliability so you can be ensured of quality actionable results.
Understand your current limits and plan for improving them
Training Zones
Your training Zones are unique to you and used to understand where your fitness currently stands. Use these ranges to set realistic goals and calculate the right training and racing intensities for you.
Power profiling is important for understanding your strength and weaknesses. Improve your weaknesses and bolster your strengths to become a better rider.
Heart Rate
Correlate your Heart Rate to your power profile and intensities. Ensure you’re working the right ranges and use your data to know when you may need a rest.
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The Process
One of the most vital parts of any kind of testing is repeat-ability and reliability. Meaning that the test would provide the same results every time its performed provided the input is the same; and reliability, that the results are accurate and can be confidently used. Testing at Factor will provide the setting to give you both. If you have a power meter on your bike we’ll use that as our gauge. If not then we’ll use one of our power driven trainers to guide the test. It is recommended that a rider have at a minimum their own HR Monitor. However, if the rider does not have then a monitor can be provided for the test. We stress though that without either a personal Power Meter or HR Monitor the results of the test will not be able to help a rider in their training.
On your bike and our trainer we’ll run you through a 15-20 Min Warm up
Power Numbers and Heart Rate will be recorded during the whole process
Following the warm up
Run through a step (or MAP) test to estimate your threshold power
After a brief recovery test 1 Min, 5 min, and 10 Min power tests
Final cool down
Power & Heart Rate Profiling
Coach Guided Ramp Test (Threshold)
Power Profile for 1,5,10 min
Full Power and Heart Rate profiles
Strengths and Weaknesses
Action Items - Based on your goals
Suggested Training/intervals
Interested in more in depth testing? Check out our lactate profiling option for runners and cyclists powered by INSCYD