Try before you buy!
It’s tough to know what saddle will work for you without spending some decent time on it.
Our demo program is meant to give you more time on a saddle to really find out what fits you best.
How it works
Book a rental through our web-store or reach out by email. Bring your bike by and we’ll swap saddles around until you find one you like. You’ll have one week with the saddle to ride as much as you’d like. If its just not working for you come back and we’ll try another. If you decide to purchase from us within 30 days of your rental you’ll have that fee applied to your purchase.
A Note from Factor
A poor fit wont correct for the wrong saddle and the right saddle wont correct a poor fit! Make sure your fit is good before testing or you may never find something that works!
Is there a saddle you’d like to try but we dont have? leave us a note and we’ll see what we can do about getting one.